Son Lux tell us about their favourite films

In our (almost) regular Sight & Sound section cool musicians tell us about the most important movies in their lives. This time we sat down with Son Lux members Ryan Lott, Ian Chang and Rafiq Bhatia, and their choices vary from Coen Brothers to Netflix' The OA and Tommy Wiseau. Son Lux are performing in Moscow on July 9 — don't miss them!

Photo / Son Lux

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The first movie you remember watching

Ian Chang: Laputa: Castle In the Sky is one of the first movies that I remember watching as a kid in Hong Kong. Hayao Miyazaki is one of my favorites of all time, and I've watched many of his movies repeatedly throughout my life.

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The movie that "ruined" your childhood:

Ian Chang: I've never been great at stomaching scary movies. Chucky from Child's Play really freaked me out as a kid and it gave me recurring nightmares.

Photo / MGM/UA Communications Co.

The movie you would've taken to a desert island

Ian Chang: One movie? That's brutal, haha. I love animated movies, and one of my favorites is Paprika by Satoshi Kon. It's so wildly imaginative and I think that it's the kind of movie that I could watch many times and continue to discover new details.

Photo / Sony Pictures Classics

The first movie you saw at a movie theatre

Rafiq Bhatia: I honestly can’t recall. But I do remember the first R-rated movie I ever saw, which was Face/Off, with Nicholas Cage and John Travolta. I went with my older cousins who had me cover my eyes for all of the racy parts (but of course I was peeking the whole time).

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The last movie you saw at a movie theatre

Rafiq Bhatia: Amazing Grace documents the concert of the century, which was given by Aretha Franklin, the Reverend James Cleveland, and the Southern California Community Choir. Calling it a concert honestly feels like an understatement — whether you ascribe to a higher power or not, it’s a religious experience through and through.

The worst movie you've ever seen

Rafiq Bhatia: There are a number of terrible ones, but I think it's hard to think of a worse movie than The Room. Chip-chip-chip-chip!

The scariest movie you've ever seen

Ryan Lott: Tarkovsky's Solaris. It is a gorgeous and painfully patient film that gives a existential sense of creeping doom. The mind is scarier than the antics of any boogeyman.

Photo / Mosfilm

The movie that made you cry hard

Ryan Lott: I am going to cheat here and reference a TV show. The first season of The OA on Netflix. The very last episode is deeply moving. Without ruining it for others, there is this collective moment of powerful and choreographed ritual that floods over you like a deep emotional tsunami.

Photo / Netflix

The best movie you've ever seen

Ryan Lott: Raising Arizona. Everyone is dusty and sweaty. A stolen baby, great soundtrack, car chase for diapers. Nicolas Cage in his pre-action youthful wild man days.