Daniel Sloss tells us about his favourite films

In our regular Sight & Sound section cool people tell us about the most important movies in their lives. This time we sat down with comedian Daniel Sloss, who is performing in Moscow on November 23. Read further if you want to find out the funniest movie he's ever seen, why he hates scary movies (spoiler: because they're scary) and a couple of movies he just can't stand.

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The first movie you remember watching

James and the Giant Peach

The Walt Disney Company

The movie that "ruined" your childhood

Mission to Mars. I saw it when I was 9 or 10. It was the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I remember crying in the cinema because it was so shit. I hated it so much. I can't remember anything about it, but I hope everyone involved is dead.

Buena Vista Pictures

The movie you would've taken to a desert island

The Prestige

Warner Bros.

The first movie you saw at a movie theatre

Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace

20th Century Fox

The last movie you saw at a movie theatre

The Joker

Warner Bros. Pictures

The funniest movie you’ve ever seen


Warner Bros. Pictures

The scariest movie you've ever seen

I fucking despise scary movies. I see no need for them. I'm a coward. Paranormal Activity fucked me up.

Paramount Pictures

The movie that made you cry hard

Oh Christ, here's a list: Blind Side, Warrior, Click (yes, the Adam Sandler movie), Avengers Endgame, Green Mile, About Time, Marley and Me.

Click (the Adam Sandler movie) / Sony Pictures Releasing

The movie that influenced you the most

Ace Ventura or Dumb and Dumber. I loved Jim Carrey as a kid and he definitely inspired my love to make people laugh.

Ace Ventura / Warner Bros.

The worst movie you've ever seen

Juno. Fuck that movie and fuck everyone who likes it. Fucking abysmal pile of shit.

Fox Searchlight

The best movie you've ever seen

The Dark Knight. No more needs to be said on this one. Incredible.

Warner Bros. Pictures